Users with backup/restore privileges can create a backup for safekeeping or use on another Moodle site. It is a handy method; however, if you do not remove the backup files once it is restored or downloaded, the manual backups will start to consume space.
Open LMS clients can find the Manual Backup Storage report at <siteurl>/admin/tool/mrooms/report/manualbackupstorage/index.php that shows you the manual backup files stored on your site.
Unlike automated backups, manual backup files are not automatically cleaned up. This report can help you find these backup files and link to the course so that you can delete the backup files when they are no longer needed, reducing your storage needs.
We will now go through the different ways to delete the manually backed up files
Delete Manual Backups from the OpenLMS Manual Storage Reports
Log into your site and go to Site administration > Open LMS > Manual backup storage (<siteurl>/admin/tool/mrooms/report/manualbackupstorage/index.php)
Note that there may be some courses that are hyperlinks – these are the easy ones to target and delete first.
- Select the course link, then Manage backup files
- Select the option to display the file details
- Select the files to be deleted (you can use the top checkbox to select all)
- Select the rubbish bin icon, then OK to delete
- Save changes
Note: the Manual backup files storage usage report updates weekly. Changes made after the weekly update aren't reflected until the next update - in most cases, this happens on a Saturday - so your changes will not be reflected immediately.
Delete Manual Backups from the course
Step 1. Go to the Course > Course administration > Courses > Restore
Step 2. Course Backup area and User Private areas will list out the backups that have been made.
Course Backup area contains all the files that the users have made without anonymizing the information.
User Private backup area contains backups files that have anonymized data and the course backup area contains backup files with default settings. The User Private area will list out files that were backed only by the logged-in user.
To delete files from the 'User private backup area' Relevant users who took the backups must log in, access the course, and follow the steps to delete the files or the Admin / Manager can 'Login-As' the user and follow the steps.
Step 3. Select 'Manage backup files' under the section you want to delete the files.
Step 4. A pop-up with a list of all backed-up files will appear. From the box select an individual file and select delete from the confirmation box.
Step 5. To bulk delete all the files, select the checkbox on the pop-up box's title bar and select the 'Delete' button.
If you have exhausted these options and cannot delete some backup files, please create a ticket with eWorks. Include all relevant information and eWorks will look into working on this with you.
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