Meta courses
Perhaps you have a common WHS unit to be used by learners in different courses.
Meta courses enable one course (a metacourse) to pull in enrolments from other course/s.
How they work:
- a meta course can have multiple 'child' courses - and a 'child' course can have multiple meta courses
- all enrolments in a meta course come from its child course/s. That is, if a course is the 'child' of a meta course, then all the users enrolled in the child course are automatically enrolled in the meta course.
To make a 'meta' course with multiple 'child' courses:
1. go to the meta course
2. go to Administration> Course administration> Users> enrolment methods
3. select 'course meta link' from the 'Add method' dropdown
4. click on the drop-down to select the 'child' course to link to
5. click 'add method'
6. do steps 3-5 for each of your linking 'child' courses
Users in the 'child' course/s will automatically be enrolled into the meta course.
If you don't see the 'course meta link' option, then:
1. go to Administration> Site administration> Plugins> Enrolments> Manage enrol plugins
2. enable the 'Course meta link' plugin by 'poking it in the eye' in the 'Enable' column
course 'child 1'
course 'child 2'
course 'WHS metacourse'
Any users enrolled in courses 'child 1' or 'child 2' will be automatically enrolled in the 'WHS metacourse' course.
Further info at:
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