To use the 'upload users' option for changing user passwords:
1. create a spreadsheet in the same format as the example attached. The first row must be EXACTLY the same (no uppercase or spaces). See example template attached which you can use.
2. In the columns, put the usernames and the new password
3. SAVE AS a CSV format (see screen capture) - and say 'yes' to box that comes up
4. in Moodle, go to Administration> Users> Accounts> Upload users
5. upload the CSV file you created
6. click on 'upload this file'
7. click on 'Upload users'
8. change the settings (also see attached):
upload type = 'Update existing users only'
Existing user details = 'Override with file'
Existing user password = 'Update'
9. click on 'Upload users'
10. 'Continue'
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