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SCORM does not record a grade



  • Rebecca Hayward

    I have a number of people who completed a training on the 31 May 2017 titled AMDOCS - Bullying, Harassment and Discrimination Awareness not have their progress recorded, this has heppend occasionally before, but not on this scale. Can you please take a look and let me know if there was an outage or something that may have caused this.
    thanks, Bec

  • Rebecca Hayward

    i just noticed in the above it says " 2. Not exiting the module correctly – you must click exit and follow the steps precisely. You should not close the browser/browser page to exit the SCORM module. The ‘exit’ triggers completion of the SCORM. Use the correct ‘exit’ option."
    I don't believe out current program give the exit option, and no certificate pops up, Is that the problem? can you please check. thanks.

  • eWorks Support

    Hi Bec - I just noticed your comments here.

    I will make this into a ticket and we will look into it for you.

    Regards, Bernadette


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