With the recent upgrade of TVC, there is a new feature in Moodle which will convert MS Office files uploaded to assignments into PDFs so that you can annotate them online.
Unfortunately this great feature requires unoconv to be running on your platform, and it has proven difficult to implement unoconv. eWorks is working with our technical partners to resolve this.
In the meantime, your teachers may go to mark assignments, and the page they go to may look 'broken' to them. If this is an issue for you, then you can temporarily disable the annotate PDF facility. To do this, your TVC administrator can:
- go to Administration> Site administration> Plugins> Activity modules> Assignment> Feedback plugins> Manage assignment feedback plugins
- click 'hide' next to 'Annotate PDF'
Once unoconv has been sorted, we will let you know, and you can can simply 'show' the "Annotate PDF" plugin again.
PLEASE NOTE: turning off 'Annotate PDF' means that teachers will no longer have the option of online annotating PDFs that students may submit.
If you still want your teachers to be able to online annotate PDFs, then options may be:
- leave 'Annotate PDF' as 'show', ask students to submit their assignment files as PDFs
- let teachers know that non-PDF files will not be converted, they will need to assess as they have in the past, and the page is NOT broken! (an example screenshot of what is seen when a .docx file is not converted to PDF is in the attached file. Note that if the grader clicks on the icons at the bottom right of the screen, the large file area can be removed.)
When unoconv is available, we will let you know.
(Thanks to Steve from Chisholm for this hint.)
Is there any idea of when this unoconv will be available and students will be able to upload word docs which will converted within Moodle for marking and annotation purposes.
Hi Liz - Unfortunately this has not been resolved as yet, and there are many others having issues with unoconv. Moodle HQ are looking into other options for Moodle 3.3 which may be more stable.
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